Preparing For Your Family Session
A local park, your home, downtown, a playground, or an open field, the possibilites are endless for your family session! I will touch base with you 1-2 weeks before your session to confirm location, shooting time and details.
My outdoor sessions typically take place at sunset or sunrise. I have personal favorites that I can suggest but I also love shooting at a new location. Shooting at sunset or sunrise provides that gorgeous light you often see in my images. Sunset tends to get late for some families in the summer. Please plan to have your child nap later in the day or consider sunrise for your session. As a mama of four children, I know how hard it is to get out the door on time. Plan to arrive on time and ready to start your session. Your session is scheduled according to the light so please plan for traffic etc. Lastly, we are often shooting in tall grass or fields so please apply or bring bug spray for your family. If you prefer to avoid tall grass, let me know prior to picking a location.
If we are shooting in your home, we usually start around 10 am but that timing is flexible. We often times can grab some images outdoors too. I am not expecting to walk into a perfectly clean home! I know how hard it can be just to get everyone ready, yet alone clean your home! I recommend choosing 2-3 rooms to declutter. Remember it does not have to be perfect! Sometimes clearing nightstands or moving large items you would not want in images is enough. I will also move things if I need to on the day of your session. I will choose shooting locations based on the natural light in that room.
Your clothing should reflect your family style! I always recommend that mom finds something she feels amazing in, then work the rest of the family off of that. So start with one outfit and work around that color palette while mixing it up with colors and patterns and layering too. Coordinating versus everyone matching photographs the best! Avoid neon/bright colors and clothing with words/large logos on the front and remember to empty your pockets before we begin!
Be sure to dress for the environment! For in home sessions, I say keep it neutral and comfy! Choose clothing that everyone can cuddle up in on the floor or on the couch. Barefoot or neutral socks is the best for this type of session. Outdoor sessions please remember to dress for the weather. A cold baby will not be happy and it will show in your images.
I am happy to help with any clothing questions or concerns. I encourage you to send me outfits choices if you need help.
During the Session
A typical session usually runs 60 minutes or so. I will guide you into family friendly poses, both standing and sitting pending no physical limitations. Usually only for the first shot in each pose will I ask that you smile at that camera. Honestly that's what Dads tend to like that the most during a session with me! After the smile at the camera shot I'll cue you to begin interacting with your family. I encourage tickles, hugs, kisses, telling of jokes or stories, lifting the littles up into an airplane...really anything that allows your family to be uniquely yours. You'll see me come in close with the camera to capture those interactions. In addition to the family poses I also like to capture individual shots of the kids, both alone and with their siblings and with mom and dad, etc. And of course I don't forget mom and dad photos because most of the time it's been awhile since mom and dad have been in a nice photo together!
One thing you will NOT hear me say to your child is “say cheese”. I never force a child to sit still and smile at the camera. Every child is different, so I try to do what works best for each one. Some children take some time to warm up and some are ready to go! I am more than happy to give a shy child the time that they need. Some children want to held by mom the whole time and that is perfectly ok too! There is also time to run, play games, or have a mess free snack, if needed. When in a pinch I usually have Smarties in my camera bag. :)
This session is a time to relax and just be with your children and partner. I am not expecting perfectly behaved children. Trust me when I say, the chaos brings emotion and movement to your images. While I will guide you and your family in poses it also ok for you to just be natural with your spouse and children. Sing, talk, or play with family just as you would if I was not present. Being yourselves is what will create the images you love. There are no rules or expectations! I will guide you and the rest will go from there, I promise!!
After Your Session
Once your session is complete, I will post a sneak peek on Facebook and Instagram, usually by the following day. You are welcome to share this post with family and friends! Once your gallery is complete, typically within 2-4 weeks, you will receive an email for access to a private online gallery. It will be open for viewing for two weeks to give you time to chose your images. After your selection is complete I will send you a download link for your purchased digital files and order any purchased prints. I highly recommend printing your images through me or a high quality printer such as MPIX. I can not guarantee color quality at places like Walgreens, etc.
I am looking foward to your family session! Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns you have prior to your session. I am happy to help in anyway I can.