My Style
Authentic: My sessions tend to be casual, fun, and candid. I like to watch moments unfold and capture you just being you, focusing on the interaction between you and your loved ones. I want you to remember not only how you looked, but also how you felt during this time in your life and for your photos to take you back to that feeling in the years to come.
Simple: I don't use many props, nor apply heavy photoshop editing to your images afterwards. I want your portraits to stand the test of time, to look like you, and not look dated by whatever was trendy at the time. Digital photography has really allowed different styles to emerge so it is really important to make sure that you like the editing and shooting style of any photographer that you choose. Ultimately I want your photos to be enjoyed by generations to come.
Light: I'm inspired by the weather and just love to chase the light, which can bring in such a magical element to an image. The warm glow of the setting sun, the gently falling snow, even the softness from an overcast sky can really set the mood. It isn't uncommon for me to post on Facebook or Instagram on a whim for a discounted session when the weather speaks to me!
Movement: You won't sit still and look at the camera a lot during sessions. Instead I encourage a lot of laughing, running, and sometimes even dancing and twirling. No perfectly posed stiff photos, just you being your perfectly imperfect family.